Make the most of your university experience. Check out how we can help with the links below:
Indigenous Student Development
Cplul’kw’ten is a friendly and inviting Indigenous centre that provides information on all aspects of university life and doubles as space to socialize, study or just take a break from your day. It is truly a home away from home.
Faculty of Student Development
TRU counsellors promote and support the career development, academic success and personal growth of all TRU students, and subject to availability, the career development of future students.
Use this page to locate inclusive and accessible spaces and places around campus.
TRU World
International Student Advisors
TRU's International Student Advisors (ISAs) provide personal counseling for international students both before your arrival in Canada and during your program.
Student Services
Multi-Faith Chaplaincy
A Multi-Faith Chaplaincy on campus provides religious and spiritual care to the TRU community’s students, faculty and staff.
TRUSU Equity Commitee
The Equity Committee recognizes the inequities that Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, or Queer (LGBTQ) students face in society and hosts a Pride Parade every September to address these equity issues.
Student Services
Gender and Sexual Diversity
Safety, inclusion and accessibility are priorities for all students. TRU is working towards advocacy and anti-discrimination efforts for the 2SLGBTQPIA+ community on campus and beyond.
Faculty of Student Development
Intercultural Learning at TRU
TRU is a culturally diverse community. Faculty, staff, and students represent Indigenous, regional, national, and global communities.
TRU World
Field Schools
A TRU field school is a TRU course for credit or non-credit offered in another country.
Equity Committee
The Equity Committee organizes activities to advance the Union’s vision of a society where every student can equitably access a high quality post-secondary education regardless of their gender identity, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religious belief, political belief, or country of origin.
Faculty of Student Development
Global Competency Certificate
TRU Global Competency allows students to earn formal recognition for their intercultural and international experiences – from Study Abroad, to learning a second language, to volunteer work.
TRU World
Study Abroad
The Study Abroad program allows students to live and study in a different country for one or two semesters.
Student Services
Office of Student Affairs
The Office of Student Affairs works collaboratively with students, staff, faculty and community partners to guide and support students on their learning journey towards student success.
The Thompson Rivers University Students’ Union is a democratic, membership-based organisation.
Student Services
Students' Rights and Responsibilities
TRU policies, academic regulations, academic appeals, and non-academic regulations.
Senate Standing Committee
Academic Integrity
Know your rights and the process of academic integrity.
Visit Cplul'kw'ten, a home away from home
Connect with the Office of Student Affairs for services and supports such as academic conduct, academic integrity, Early Alert, student off-campus safety and more.
Practice smudging to purify your body or space
For more Diversity and Equity videos and many others visit the TRU YouTube page.