Program requirements
How the program works
Year one courses (30 credits)
Fall semester / September to December
- CMNS 1810 Composition
- JUST 1140 Human Behaviour
- JUST 1310 Intro to Criminal Justice Services in Canada
- PHED 1230 Conditioning
- Plus one elective
Winter semester / January to April
- CMNS 1980 Professional Presentation
- JUST 1250 Tactical Communication Skills for Criminal Justice
- PHIL 1110 Introduction to Critical Thinking
- POLI 1110 The Government and Politics of Canada
- Plus: one elective (recommended ANTH 2140)
We accept all academic courses as electives. For assistance with choosing your electives, contact Arts Advising (, 250-371-5566 or AE257).
Year two courses (30 credits)
Fall semester / September to December
- JUST 2450 Police Skills
- JUST 2510 Introduction to Policing
- PHIL 2010 Introduction to Ethics
- SOCI 2590 * Deviance and Control
- Plus: one elective (3 credits)
Winter semester / January to April
- JUST 2350 Introduction to Canadian Law and Legal Institutions
- JUST 2810 Field Work Practicum
- SOCI 2010 ** Race and Ethnic Relations
- Plus: two electives (6 credits)
* Students who have completed PSYC 2160 Introduction to Abnormal Psychology will be exempted from SOCI 2590.
** Students who have completed any of ANTH 2140 Canadian Native Peoples, ANTH 2150 Cultural Studies, or ANTH 2600 Minorities in the Modern World will be exempted from SOCI 2010.
Selection process
GPA (weighted at 70%); and Resumé and Statement of Career Objectives (weights at 30%).